Major cause of hemorrhoid problem during pregnancy
1. The high pressure from the enlarged uterus and increasing pelvic blood flow made hemorrhoids swelling and prolapsing.
2. Elevated progesterone levels made bowel movement slow, which caused constipation and made hemorrhoid problem worse.
3. Swelling hemorrhoids were squeezed outside while one’s hardly pushing downwards in delivery.
Therefore, about 70%postparturm women had hemorrhoid problems, but half of them will be recovered gradually within 3-6months.
If you have hemorrhoid problem during pregnancy, you may try
1. eating High-fiber foods and drinking at least 2000c.c of water each day to stay well hydrated to prevent constipation. Meanwhile, maintaining a healthy lifestyle to have a regular bowel movement, which is important to avoid hemorrhoid swelling problems.
2. Regular exercise habits, such as taking a walk or jogging 30minutes, and 3 times a week with Kegel exercise will help you maintain healthy pelvic circulation.
3. Lie on your left side while hemorrhoid swelling pain attacked you, try to push back the prolapsing part of hemorrhoid to reduce incarcerating pain.
4. Sitz bath in the bathtub 15-20 min with warm water about 37℃ and 3 times a day.
5. Seek for specialists. Operation may not be suitable during pregnancy, but there are still some less-invasive ways to ease your hemorrhoid problem. Please email us if you need help.
If you would need to have ambulatory minimal invasive hemorrhoidectomy in our clinic, the best time to have an operation is 3 to 5 days after vaginal delivery and 14 days after caesarean section.
The surgery time is approximately 60 to 90 minutes, and you will be given general anesthesia by intravenous (IV) that puts you in a sleep-like state. Anesthesiologists shall place an IV catheter on your hand and infuse an anesthetic medicine through this thin catheter.
All patients could be performed hemorrhoidectomy in the morning; you will generally be able to leave the clinic around 3 hours after surgery, and recovery takes about 1 week. Moreover, the hemorrhoid recurrence rate is less than 5% in 8 to 10 years.
Our clinic provides Japanese and English service, and please contact us in advance if you need language assistance.